THE LOOP – An infinite quest of the truth – is one of three pavilions QIU put forward for the 2021 Kaohsiung International Container Arts Festival. Each pavilion explores a different take on the Festival’s main theme: Van Buren Supernova – A theme revolving around light, star constellations, new life, and hope.

THE LOOP – We evolve through the journey

We perceive the universe as an unlimited spatial event, a continuous function. On our multiple quests for answers, we evolve through the journey. There is no such thing as reaching the end, as there will always be more to keep on exploring.

The infinite Loop inspires us to focus on the diverse possibilities of human life, the reflections reveal different perspectives of the same context. These reflections are up for interpretation, unique to each visitor. The proximity to THE LOOP, manipulation of the view angle at different heights, and the speed in which one chooses to travel along the path in a forward motion. Even the notion of forward motion and direction of travel is being challenged. As THE LOOP twists inside-out, glimpses of the inside are revealed on the outside, and vice versa. Thus, providing the chance to reflect upon the dynamics of extrovert versus introvert.

The centre of THE LOOP is accessible via a linear tunnel, creating the opportunity to experience THE LOOP from below. As one reaches the centre of the loop there is a quiet place for contemplation on amphitheatre style steps, to ponder your thoughts or philosophise with fellow visitors who share your quest.

Even in the galaxy, an infinite loop – a mobius strip – has been used to explain a Milky Way’s Twist at the centre, with the absence of black holes. (seen by the Herschel telescope, credit: ESA/NASA/JPL-Caltech, February 2015). Birkeland currents twist together two ends of a mobius strip located at the centre of our galaxy, to form galaxy’s double layered plasma torus. This theory refutes the Black Hole Theory, and is an ongoing study.

Even in science, there’s room for interpretation and iterations on an infinite loop to attempt to discover the universal truth. As our knowledge on the matter seemingly increases, it questions and puts in perspective things we’ve before theorised, encouraging us to reflect and move forward. We evolve through the journey, on which we’re both spectators and participants.

Program – Pavilion
Location – Kaohsiung
Scope – Architectural Design
Status – Honorable Mention